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2023 Financial Services Digital Experience Benchmark

Make every visit count this year with our user experience report

Financial Services sites with engaged visitors and low loading times see less bounces and more content consumption. Measure what matters most to your customers to optimize your experiences for engagement, efficiency, customer satisfaction and ROI.

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9.4 billion

Page views


2.7 billion











Banking & Insurance

Preview of the Financial Services customer experience metrics inside

Over ¼ of visitors felt frustration

One in four (27.8%) sessions were impacted by frustration in 2022. Insurance sites frustrated more visitors than banking sites, with 1 in 3 (33.2%) sessions marred by friction.

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Bounce rates increased (particularly in banking)

With all this frustration in the customer journey, it’s hardly surprising that bounce rates for Financial Services sites rose in 2022 from 54.7% to 58.7%. In banking, they rose even more dramatically: from 55% to 60%.

The fastest sites provoked the lowest bounces

Sites with faster loading times reduced bounces by 9.2 percentage points—from 56.6% when load time is over 2 seconds to 51.4% when less than a second

Good news: site load times decreased -9.1% year-over-year. However, some of the most popular pages had the slowest load times.

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Sites with the most active visitors saw lower bounces and deeper sessions

Activity measures how much visitors are interacting with content (with scrolls, swipes, clicks, hovers and typing)—and sites that generated higher activity from their visitors last year saw lower bounce rates and deeper sessions.

Desktop drove most traffic, but mobile brought in most new visitors

Desktop traffic accounted for 61.1% of traffic to Financial Services sites last year, but mobile web traffic drove 55.1% of new visits.

Those looking to switch their providers like to browse on their smartphones, but for more complex processes (e.g.: arranging loans, wealth management, retirement planning), most prefer using desktop.

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What's inside?

The 2023 Financial Services Digital Experience Benchmark explores the entire customer experience to help you pin-point opportunities to improve your journeys, delight more customers and see real growth.


Measure the whole journey

It’s what’s inside the customer journey that really counts. Our report includes everything digital teams need to know about and invest in—not just traffic, bounces and outcomes.


Who is this for?

From executives and decision makers to team leads and CX pros, anybody at a Financial Services firm who needs strategic insights into how best to optimize digital journeys for efficiency, customer satisfaction and growth.


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Get insights into improving your CX from top brands and Financial Services industry leaders.


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